
Monica Engebretson – Animal Welfare and Campaign Consultant

Monica Engebretson has worked professionally in the animal protection movement since 1999 specializing in several issues including wildlife conflicts, trapping, fur fashion, exotic birds, pet shops, and animals used in agriculture and experiments. With extensive experience in using academic research and data collection as well as undercover investigations Monica has created and led multiple hard-hitting campaigns that expose cruelty and serve as catalysts for change.

Monica has also written and lobbied multiple pieces of legislation. Bills written and/or lobbied to successful completion include: CA bill to end the retail sale of unweaned birds, CA bill to improve retail pet store regulations, CA bill to end the sale of animals at flea markets and swap meets, CA bill protect dogs from kill traps and prohibit the most inhumane forms of killing trapped wildlife, CA bill to end "pound seizure" (shelter animals given or sold to laboratories).

Monica's rural upbringing and formal education as a wildlife biologist with emphasis on environmental ethics has afforded her a deep appreciation for animals and the environment as well as practical experience in animal behavior and care.

Monica has worked with a range of animal protection and wildlife conservation groups including Animal Protection Institute, Avian Welfare Coalition, Born Free USA, Compassion in World Farming, Compassionate Conservation, EcoStorm Investigations, E the Environmental Magazine, Fur Free Alliance, Indonesian Parrot Project, Prairie Dog Coalition, Satya MagazineWorld Society for the Protection of Animals, and Cruelty Free International.

Contact Monica:  Engebretson.M@gmail.com