Flying Fox Consulting offers academic and issue report writing that can bring credibility to your campaign and generate interest in your issue.
Academic Publications and Research Reports:
The Welfare and Suitability of Parrots as Companion Animals: A Review: Published in the Journal of Animal Welfare.
Parrot Breeding and Keeping: The Impact of Capture and Captivity Policy Paper for the Animals & Socieity Intstitue. Co-author
Cruelty Uncaged: Fur Farming In North America. A comprehensive review of the scientific literature on the welfare of fur farmed animals as well as the statistics and legislative oversight, or lack thereof, of wild animals raised for their fur in the United States and Canada including foxes, minks, lynx and bobcats. Email me for a pdf copy of the report.
Long Distance Transport of Farm Animals. North American Chapter:
Chapter written as the “research/writer” for the North American Tactics Group on Farmed Animal Transport for the Handle with Care Coalition published in the academic book by CABI.